To help people:
* Ever increasingly spiritually grow by choice and action
* Apply the WORD of GOD as a daily lifestyle
*Be the salt and light through JESUS CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT to advance the
Kingdom of GOD
*Progress in being well-rounded Kingdom of GOD citizens.
Our core values are:
(1) Love and compassion
(2) People for whom we help nurture
(3) To help people ever increasingly spiritually grow by choice and action
(4) Discipleship
(5) Integrity, how we function
(6) Kingdom of GOD whole, well rounded Kingdom citizenship development
(7) Blessed to be a Blessing
1- John 14:6
…...JESUS is the ONLY way
2- John 14: 26; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:4
…..The Holy Spirit is our Helper
3- Romans 1: 16
….Not ashamed to be a Christian Believer
4- Matthew 5:16; Matthew 28:19
……Being a light example for Christ and Making Disciples, teaching them to do
the WORD
5-- 2 Timothy 3:16-17
…The Bible (the WORD) is for instruction in every area of our lives…the Bible is
the lifestyle magnet by which we make daily decisions
6- Joshua 1:8
…Studying the WORD + Believing & Saying the WORD + Doing the WORD =
TRUE success and prosperity (in every area of your life)
7- 2 Corinthians 5:9-10
…Motivated by eternal rewards...GODLY account focused (lifestyle character
and action deposits now for eternal rewards)
8- 2 Corinthians 5: 7
…lifestyle principle of living by faith
9 – James 1: 22-25
…We are doers of the WORD not just hearers
10- Philippians 3:20 & 2 Corinthians 5: 20
…Ambassadors from GOD, advancing the Kingdom of GOD on earth
What We Believe:
1 – The Bible is Inspired
(2 Timothy 3:15-17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Peter 1:21).
2 – There is One True GOD
(Isaiah 43:10; Genesis 1:1; Isaiah 43:11; Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19, Luke
3:22; Zechariah 14:9; Matthew 1:21-23, 11:25-27, 28:19; Luke 1:35; John
1:1,2,14,18,29,49, 5:17-30,32,37, 8:17-18, 14:16-17, 15:26, 17:11,21; Acts 2:32-
36; Romans 1:1-3,7,14:11; 1 Corinthians 1:24, 15:24-28; 2 Corinthians 13:14;
Philippians 2:8-9; Hebrews 1:1-13,7:3,12:2; 1 Peter 1:8, 3:22; 1 John 1:3-4, 2:22-
23, 3:8, 4:1-5,10,14; 2 John 1:3,9; Revelation 1:13,17, 4:8-11, 5:6-14,7:9-10)
3 – The Lord JESUS CHRIST Is the Son of GOD
(Luke 1:31-35; Revelation 1:8; Matthew 1:23; Hebrews 7:26; 1 Peter 2:22; Acts
2:22, 10:38; 1 Corinthians 15:3, 2 Corinthians 5:21; Matthew 28:6; Luke 24:39; 1
Corinthians 6:14, 15:4; Acts 1:9, 11, 2:33; Philippians 2:9-11; Hebrews 1:3)
4 – Humankind fell as a Result of Sin
(Genesis 1:26-27, 2:17, 3:6; Romans 5:12-19).
5 – GOD Offers Salvation Through His Own Son-Baptism into CHRIST and HIS
Salvation is the baptism of one into CHRIST (into the body of Christ) (Romans 6:3-
7 Galatians 3:27 Colossians 2:12; Ephesians 4:5)…. (Romans 10: 9-10).. (Luke
24:47; John 3:3; Romans 10:13-15; Ephesians 2:8; Titus 2:11, 3:5-7)..(Romans
8:16) (Ephesians 4:24; Titus 2:12)
6 – Our Local Assembly Practices Two Ordinances
6.1 – Baptism In Water
(Acts 8: 36-38, Acts 10:47-48)
6.2 – Holy Communion
(1 Corinthians 11:23-26)
7 – The Baptism In/”filled with” The Holy Spirit Is For All Believers
(Luke 24:49; John 7:37-39; Acts 1:4-8; Acts 11:14-16)
8 – There is a Common Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
The baptism of Christians in the Holy Spirit is accompanied by the common
physical sign of speaking in other tongues (unlearned language)
(Acts 2:4; Acts 19:6; Ephesians 6:18; Jude 20)
9- Thus, overall, there are 3 Baptisms for the Believer
1-Baptism into CHRIST (into the body of CHRIST) (Galatians 3:27; Colossians 2:12;
Ephesians 4:5; Romans 6:3-7)
2-Baptism in water (Acts 8: 36-38, Acts 10:47-48)
3-Baptism in/filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49; John 7:37-39 Acts 1:4-8; Acts
**NOTE: the order of the above referenced #2 and #3 are interchangeable (Acts
8:14-17; Acts 10:44-48)
10 – Sanctification is a Process that Aligns Us with GOD
(Romans 12:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 13:12; 1 Peter 1:16; Hebrews
12:14; Romans 6:1-11,13, 8:1-2,13; Galatians 2:20; Philippians 2:12-13; 1 Peter
1:5; Galatians 5:22,23)
11- GOD’s will includes Believers prospering in every area (spirit, soul,
body/health, witnessing through and as led by the Holy Spirit, finances,
relationships, serving, school grades; etc.) for HIS glory
(3 John 2; Isaiah 53: 5; 1 Peter 2: 24; Genesis 26: 12-14; Job 36:11; 2 Kings 18: 5-7;
Proverbs 11:25; Proverbs 19:8; Proverbs 28:25; Deuteronomy 8:18; John 10:10)
12-Sowing to advance the Kingdom of GOD is a Spiritual law and is one area that
depicts the location of our hearts towards GOD
(Genesis 8: 22; Genesis 14: 18-20; Genesis 26: 12-14; Malachi 3: 8-11; Matthew
6:19-21 [both literal and figurative “treasures”]; Mark 12: 41-44; 2 Corinthians 8:
1-15; 2 Corinthians 9:10)
13 – GOD designed the local assembly for a Purpose and Mission
(Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Ephesians 4:12; Ephesians
4:11-16; 1 Corinthians 12:28, 14:12; Galatians 6:10; Psalm 112:9; Galatians 2:10;
6:10; James 1:27).
14 – GOD calls for involvement and Blessed us with 5 fold ministry gifts for
(Ephesians 4: 11-13)
15 – GOD provides Healing Through CHRIST's shed blood
(Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 8:16-17; James 5:14-16).
16 – Our future and faith is anchored in the Blessed Hope of our LORD’s return
to be raptured/caught up with HIM
(Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Titus 2:13).
17 – CHRIST will rule the earth for a Millennium
(Zechariah 14:5; Matthew 24:27,30; Revelation 1:7, 19:11-14, 20:1-6; Ezekiel
37:21-22; Zephaniah 3:19-20; Romans 11:26-27; Psalm 72:3-8; Isaiah 11:6-9;
Micah 4:3-4)
18 – There Will be a Final Judgment for those who choose not to receive JESUS
(Matthew 25:46; Mark 9:43-48; Revelation 19:20, 20:11-15, 21:28)
19 – Christians will enjoy the New Heavens and the New Earth
(2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21 through 22).
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